The Directory of Community Resources (DCR) is a project of the Center on Disability and Development (CDD) at Texas A&M University. The purpose of the DCR is to connect individuals with disabilities with organizations and agencies in Texas that provide disability-specific resources and services.
Extensions of the Directory of Community Resources are the REDDy Directories for disaster survivors. The COVID-19 REDDy Directory and Harvey REDDy Directory were created to list resources and services available to survivors of specific disasters. The REDDy Directories are activated quickly following an emergency but are also time-limited when resources following a disaster are no longer available.
While each REDDy Directory is linked to the Directory of Community Resources, they can also be individually viewed and searched. If you are looking for resources specific to COVID-19 or Hurricane Harvey, please search within that separate REDDy Directory.
We update these resource directories on a regular basis. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information for every resource listed as organizations frequently alter the resources they provide, their locations, and contact information. We encourage organizations listed in the Directory to contact us at disabilityresources@tamu.edu if their listing needs to be edited. Users may also contact us via disabilityresources@tamu.edu with any suggestions or comments.